
  • UX/UI Design

  • Design System

  • Visual Identity

Data efficiency

E-courier is a cloud-based software giving you final-mile visibility, partner integrations, and insights to grow your logistics business.

Junction Design joined the product design team as the UX/UI lead to work on dispatcher map and job / driver management flows.

Key considerations

Based on the user journey we had captured during our design sprint workshops we we re able to craft a truly intuitive dispatcher experience which seamlessly into their day to day tasks.

The key was to only show what is necessary when it’s necessary with as few clicks as possible

Some the key info presented included:

  • Delivery / route efficiency on map to optimize routes
  • Key stops to make
  • Due time & current status of delivery
  • Real time vehicle locations
  • Prioritized alerts and notification
  • Multiple dispatcher collaboration mode

We based the design on Google’s Material Design Principles to ensure optimal usability and accessibility for an audience who is familiar with Android interaction conventions.


The newly designed platform which allows dispatchers to intuitively handle all tasks n a single screen was a big timesaver in the industry which resulted in the successful acquisition of Ecourier by Record360.